Part of our Resident Engagement and Scrutiny Framework - Level 2 policy approval.
1. Introduction
1.1. We recognises the importance of resident engagement in continually improving and shaping our services. Supporting residents is crucial to the success of our Resident Engagement and Scrutiny Framework and our Bigger Better Bolder and Beyond Customer and Communities Strategy.
1.2. We will ensure that all residents are supported to take part in our opportunities by providing:
- Training and workshops to learn new or enhance existing skills.
- Out of pocket expenses.
- Incentives such as vouchers, prize draws and access to ‘Fairhive Rewards’ where agreed.
- Payment where appropriate (Resident Board Member).
- Access to digital support and training as required.
- Membership to the Tenant Participatory Advisory Service (Tpas) website.
- Access to attend national housing conferences and national housing groups.
2. Policy Aim
2.1. The Policy aims to facilitate and encourage engagement from all residents across our stock in accordance with our Equality & Diversity policy and good practice principles.
2.2. Objectives:
- Encourage residents to take part in our opportunities.
- Ensure residents feel valued.
- Have a clear framework for the payment of expenses.
- Have a clear framework for incentivising activity.
- Remove barriers to engagement by ensuring opportunities are suitably supported and adequate resources are available.
- Ensure that value for money is measured and achieved.
- Reward residents who volunteer to work in partnership with us to improve resident services.
3. Procedure for Claiming and Reimbursing Expenses
3.1. Reasonable expenses will be paid. Any claims need to be submitted through a ‘claim form’ (Appendix 1) to the Community Engagement team. All expense claims will be checked and authorised by the team.
3.2. Claims submitted must not be older than 3 months.
3.3. Valid receipts must be submitted with the claim form.
3.4. Payments will be made via BACS and residents will be required to complete the New Supplier form and provide bank details. Payments will be processed within 5 working days of receipt of the mileage form.
4. Expenses
4. 1. Mileage
4.1.1. Mileage will be paid at 45p per mile.
4. 1. 2. Taxi fares will be covered in instances where an alternative e.g. bus, car is not available, or where a resident has a disability making other transport impracticable. We have an account with a local Taxi company and will be responsible for booking all taxi journeys. Residents will be encouraged to share taxis where possible.
4. 1. 3. We support the use of Public Transport and will reimburse these costs with a valid ticket or receipt.
4. 1. 4. Car parking costs will be reimbursed on production of a valid parking ticket.
4. 1. 5. We will not compensate, for any reason, costs associated with parking fines.
4. 1. 6. Claims can only be made for attendance to Fairhive meetings and events, claims will not be accepted for informal get together such as coffee mornings and lunches.
4. 2. Meal Allowance and Refreshments
4. 2. 1. We will provide refreshments at meetings. A light buffet lunch will be provided for meetings/ training courses that run during the morning and over the normal lunch period (12 – 2pm). Refreshments will not be provided for meetings that conclude at 1pm.
4. 2. 2. Where a meeting commences in the evening (after 5pm) light refreshments will be provided. This is intended for residents who would be unable to have a meal due to work or other commitments prior to commencement of the meeting.
4. 2. 3. When residents are attending external training courses or conferences at our request where refreshments or meals are not provided, we will pay the following rates towards meals:
- Breakfast - £8.00 maximum
- Lunch - £10.00 maximum
- Dinner - £15.00 maximum
Reimbursement of costs incurred will only be made on production of a receipt.
4. 3. Childcare and Carer Costs
4. 3. 1. Reimbursement of reasonable expenses for both childcare and carer costs. Residents should discuss the support required in advance of any meeting or training with the Community Engagement team. To receive a payment for childcare the resident must produce a signed letter from the childminder or a receipt from a crèche/nursery. If care is needed the resident must provide a receipt from the care provider. No expenses will be reimbursed where a family member provides the care.
4. 4. Incidental Expenses
4. 4. 1. Reimbursement of these expenses will be considered on an individual basis by the Community Engagement team, written agreement must be sought by the resident prior to incurring these costs and supporting evidence will be required. Incidental costs include:
- Postage costs
- Printing costs (black and white only)
4. 5. Broadband and Connection Costs
4. 5. 1. We acknowledge that a number of resident volunteer opportunities require residents to have access to the internet, to qualify to claim for broadband costs, residents must
- Be a resident volunteer on a panel or panels that requires 5 hours or more involvement using the internet per month and has been a member for at least 6 months
4. 5. 2. Residents who meet the above criteria can claim up to £20 per month towards the cost of broadband and will be required to sign a Broadband Agreement form (appendix 2).
4. 5. 3. Broadband reimbursement can only be claimed once per household, per month.
4. 5. 4. Resident panels will have their Terms of References reviewed on an annual basis to ensure they are meeting the above criteria.
4. 5. 5. If a resident has no prior broadband connection they must make a request to us for assistance with getting connected, each request will be considered on a case by case basis. Residents in this situation must gain written agreement from us before making any connection arrangements.
4. 5. 6. If we agree to assist with Broadband connection and the resident leaves the panel or are no longer involved within a six month period after connection, the resident will be required to pay costs incurred by us.
5. Training
5. 1. We recognise that providing training enables residents to get the best from their engagement. Improved skills, experience and knowledge gained through training will enhance employment prospects and well-being. Annual training will be offered to involved and interested residents and will be created in line with residents’ needs.
5. 2. Resident volunteers will be expected to complete an annual training needs assessment to tailor a personal training programme.
6. Incentive Payments
6. 1. Legislation allows registered providers to provide vouchers to residents for taking part in consultation activities without it affecting their benefits.
6. 2. We may at our discretion provide incentive payments for particular involvement or consultation activities in the form of shopping vouchers (Appendix 3).
6. 3. Residents who volunteer 6 hours or more over a 12 month period will be entitled to receive access to Fairhive rewards. This will be managed and monitored by the Community Engagement Team.
7. Policy Review
7. 1. This document will be reviewed every at least every 3 years; the Resident Forum will be responsible for reviewing and recommending the content to EMT for approval.
Appendix 1 - Expenses Claim Form.docx 60KB
Appendix 2 - Resident Broadband Agreement.docx 28KB
Appendix 3 - Incentive Payments Schedule
We may at our discretion provide incentive payments for particular engagement or consultation activities in the form of shopping vouchers.
Resident Engagement Activity | Incentive | Guidance |
Focus Groups including by not exhaustive to;
£10 voucher for 1 hour £20 voucher for 2 hours |
To be sent following completion of the activity. |
Survey / Consultation | Maximum of £50 voucher from a prize draw for all respondents | To be used to encourage residents to respond |
Christmas Voucher for all resident volunteers who have attended 2 or more meetings in the previous 6 months | £40 | Who have attended 2 or more meetings in the previous 6 months |
Raffles for community events such as drop ins | Up to £30 voucher or prize | To encourage attendance at events. |
Task and Finish reviews | £100 voucher | To be given to every resident volunteer who attends each meeting, actively participates and completes the review. |
Author |
Caroline Drew, Presented by Nick Brake, Head of Customer Support |
Date approved | March 2023 |
Review due date | March 2026 |