What is Anti-Social Behaviour?
Anti-Social behaviour is harassment or unacceptable behaviour that causes alarm or distress to residents and others in the community. These can include:
- Vandalism
- Criminal behaviour
- Verbal abuse, harassment, or threatening behaviour
- Fly-tipping
- Excessive noise
ASB can cover:
conduct that has caused, or is likely to cause, harassment, alarm, or distress to any person
conduct capable of causing nuisance or annoyance to a person in relation to that person’s occupation of residential premises
conduct capable of causing housing-related nuisance or annoyance to any person.
Reporting ASB
Whether you rent from us or you're a leaseholder, use the information on this page to report anti-social behaviour.
During office opening hours please phone 01296 732600.
If the incident is serious, contact the police.
You can also reach us via our dedicated ASB email address asbteam@fairhive.co.uk
Out of hours
If you have an ASB emergency then you should call 999, if it's not urgent then call Crimestoppers on 0800 555 111. Alternatively you can email the team on the above email address and it will be picked up within business hours.
Other options to address disturbances or disagreements
Where appropriate, we can offer our residents a free mediation service which may offer a practical solution in improving your relationship with your neighbour. This is aimed at disagreements that cannot be easily or immediately resolved between yourselves, and would need to be entered into voluntarily by both/all residents. For more information about the mediation service, please contact your Neighbourhood Manager.
Examples of issues we cannot address are:
Inconsiderate parking
Cooking smells
‘Reasonable’ living noises, such as children playing, washing machines and using the stairs
Wheelie bin placement
Overgrown gardens, hedges and trees
Boundary disputes
Potential ‘one off’ incidents such as DIY or a party
Isolated incidents of noise during the daytime
Minor disputes between neighbours where there is no independent evidence.
In these instances you should aim to come to a resolution between yourselves by politely approaching your neighbour to discuss the disturbances or disagreements. This is to allow us to focus our resources on dealing with and investigating the complex, serious and time-consuming cases as well as helping and supporting those genuinely experiencing and affected by ASB.
Examples of issues we can support you with are:
harassment or hate crime
domestic violence
criminal activity
threats, intimidation or verbal abuse
vandalism, graffiti or other criminal damage
drug or alcohol-related nuisance
noise nuisance
uncontrolled pets and pet nuisance
Not every disturbance or disagreement is classed as anti-social behaviour and although we understand they can be frustrating, there are issues where it would be unreasonable for us, in our capacity as your Landlord, to be expected to address.