Your Neighbourhood Manager is your main point of contact for any queries or issues you have with your tenancy or within your neighbourhood.
Some of the things they are responsible for include:
Visiting all new Fairhive residents twice during the first year of their starter tenancy at 4 weeks and 8 months in. These visits allow us to ensure new tenants are managing their homes appropriately and to discuss any issues they may have, ranging from rent queries, repairs, general property condition to identifying or discussing support needs and providing advice on local services/amenities
- Undertaking Estate Walkabouts within our communities, ensuring that our neighbourhoods are clean, green and safe. Regular attendees can include local residents, county councillors, Thames Valley Police (TVP) and our caretaking team
- Investigating and making decisions regarding the succession of tenancies when a tenant passes away
- Assessing and making decision on requests for permissions from residents who wish to make improvements or alterations to their homes
- Dealing with applications to keep a pet and ensuring that any legislations to keep a dangerous dog are followed and adhered to
- Investigating and taking action against any residents who have breached their tenancy agreements – this includes things like undertaking unauthorised improvements, failing to maintain their property, unkempt gardens and tenancy fraud
- Undertaking investigations into low level Anti Social Behaviour (ASB) - this includes complaints such as noise, fly tipping and neighbour disputes
The role of a Neighbourhood Manager is to be the main point of contact between residents and Fairhive. The team aim to support residents to maintain their tenancies and strive to do this in all circumstances, working closely with other teams within Fairhive where necessary.
To find out who the Neighbourhood Manager is for your area, please click here.