Below you will find links to external organisations who can provide help and support for those in need. If you are unsure where to turn to, then you can email our Welfare team who will try and signpost you to agencies that can help or visit them at the Community Hub which is located at the Vineyard, Gatehouse Close, Aylesbury, HP19 8DN every Tuesday morning from 9.45am until 11:45am. If you or someone you know is struggling then it is important to remember that you are not alone and help is available.
If the situation is an emergency then call 999 for immediate assistance.
Bucks Mind
Bucks Mind has self-referral and GP referral services as well as online resources to help support your mental health.
Bucks Council
Buckinghamshire Council have a resource centre where you can find tools and advice for all ages and covering a range of topics such as getting active, sleeping well and help to stop smoking.
NHS Talking Therapies
The NHS Talking Therapies is a self-referral service for those who would like help dealing with stress, who are struggling with relationships/work, may be experiencing obsessive thoughts and a range of other mental health problems.
The NHS can provide alcohol support and drug addiction support.
Drink Aware
Drink Aware can help you manage your drinking and understand the impact it can have.
Since Covid and the cost of living crisis, there’s been an increase in people experiencing gambling and shopping addictions which can result in significant financial implications.
Very Well
If you suspect you or someone you know may have a shopping addiction and needs support, the Very Well website has advice and resources.
Help Guide
For gambling addiction support, please visit the Help Guide website.
In case of an emergency, always call 999.
Refuge is the largest domestic abuse organisation in the UK for women and children.
Respect Men's Advice Line
Respect Men’s Advice Line is a helpline for men experiencing domestic abuse.
Galop is the UK’s LGBT+ anti-abuse charity. They work with and for LGBT+ victims and survivors of abuse and violence.
National Centre for Domestic Violence
National Centre for Domestic Violence provides a free, fast emergency injunction service to survivors of domestic abuse and violence.
Women's Aid
Women's Aid is a national charity working to end domestic abuse against women and children.
Age UK
Age UK have resources and support for those who are feeling isolated or if you know someone who may be lonely.
Marmalade Trust
Marmalade Trust is an award-winning charity dedicated to raising awareness of loneliness and empowering people to make connections. They have a loneliness guide to help gain understanding of what loneliness is as well as a 3 steps to feel less lonely guide for all ages.
The NSPCC has an online befriending service for under 19s to help them combat loneliness.
The NHS has advice and support for anyone who might be feeling lonely including university students and new parents.