Below you can find the answers to some of our most frequently asked questions. If you can't find what you're looking for then you can contact us by calling our Contact Centre on 01296 732600 or emailing contact@fairhive.co.uk.
When are my bins going to be collected?
You will need to contact your Local Council to find out about household bin collections. If you live in a block you can find out the bin collection day by checking the estate notice board or contacting your Neighbourhood Manager. If you're unsure who your Neighbourhood Manager is or how to contact them, then visit our Neighbourhood Manager page to find out.
Please note that waste must be disposed of in the correct bin otherwise the Council may not collect them. If you are unsure about which bins to use for different types of waste (landfill, recycling, food waste) please contact your Neighbourhood Manager.
What do I do if my condensate pipe is frozen?
This video from Bosch/Worcester can help you safely unfreeze your boiler’s condensate pipe, allowing you to reset the boiler without the need to call out an engineer. If you have a burst pipe or a leak in your home make sure you turn off the water supply as soon as possible, using the stopcock, and call us. This will reduce the risk of water damage. For further guidance, please visit our advice during cold weather page.
What should I do if I have damp or mould in my home?
Our dedicated Damp and Mould page has a lot of helpful advice including what causes damp and mould and how to spot the signs of it. If you are still concerned then please contact the Repairs Team on 01296 732600 or email contact@fairhive.co.uk.
How do I give notice to end my tenancy?
We require four weeks’ notice in writing which can be sent to:
Lettings Team at Fairhive Homes Limited
Fairfax House
69 Buckingham Street
HP20 2NJ
How do I get a copy of my tenancy?
Please call the Contact Centre on 01296 732600 or email us at contact@fairhive.co.uk and we can provide you with a copy of your tenancy agreement.
How do I register for a mutual exchange?
You can register for a mutual exchange on the Home Swapper website which will enable you to search for a property you might like to exchange with. For more information on this, please visit our Lettings and Tenancies page.