A mug, pen and paper work on a wooden table.Rental payments are our main source of income and we use it to:

  • Provide repairs and services
  • Improve our properties
  • Build new homes

As part of your tenancy agreement with us, you commit to paying your rent on time. Your rent is due every Monday for the week ahead, it must be paid on time or in advance, not in arrears.

To help you stay on track, we will provide you with an easy to understand rent statement four times per year. You can request a statement at any time by calling us or via My HomeHub. Alternatively you can text BAL or BALANCE to +447520660536.

If you are falling behind with your payments, please contact your Rent Advisor as soon as possible, before the debt becomes too high to manage.

If you are in credit on your rent account and wish to apply for a rent refund, either fill in a Rent Refund Form and send it back to us, or contact your Rent Advisor, who will be able to assist you.

Our rents are set in accordance with our Rent Setting policy. If you would like to read a copy, please contact us

If you are claiming benefits, are about to make a claim or have a change of circumstances, you may find the following pages helpful: 

Rent Increases - Frequently Asked Questions

Rent Variations – what do they mean for me?

You will receive a personal outline of how much your rent will change, this will be posted to your correspondence address so please ensure the information we have for you is up to date. This figure will apply from April each year.

Each year we assess rent variations based on national changes, including cost-of-living and how this will impact our tenants, and it's important that we’re able to continue delivering our key services, home improvements, and property maintenance as required.

We have compiled some Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) below but if you need any further advice please contact us by calling 01296 736600 or emailing contact@fairhive.co.uk.


What do I do if I can’t afford the increase?

Allowing rent arrears to build up on your account could mean you end up in more debt, making life more difficult. We can offer support to help if you’re feeling worried about rent payments.

You can gain helpful advice from our Welfare Team. This dedicated team work with our Rents Team and can help you manage your money as well as make sure you receive the right amount of benefits and any funding support you are eligible for.

Our Welfare Team secure millions of pounds each year for residents, take a look at our Annual report to Residents for the latest figure. Please take advantage of this service now,  you can contact them by calling 01296 732600.

Alternatively, there is advice and support available from your local Citizens Advice.


Do you have to increase my rent?

We don’t have to increase your rent we could leave it as it is. However, this would mean that some things would have to stop. Within our financial plan we have budgeted for the rent increase which means we can keep our promises of more houses and investing in your home and community.

If we keep rent as it is we simply can’t deliver on what we said we would do. This means we would need to make tough choices like reducing services, building less or not at all, and investing less in neighbourhoods. But we don’t think that’s right. We want to look after homes and communities for you and future generations.


I pay a service charge, do the same increases apply?

Service charges may increase but the formula (CPI+1%) will not apply. We will only set service charges in line with our policy.

We can give you a full breakdown of your service charge so you can see what it costs to look after your communal areas. To request a breakdown, please email servicecharges@fairhive.co.uk.


What will you spend the extra rental income on?

Rental money is always spent on maintaining your home, delivering new homes and investing in our communities. We regularly share how we're performing through the Annual Report to Residents which you can view on our website.


I claim Universal Credit (UC), will I have to reapply and will this result in a delay in my rent being paid?

You don’t have to complete a brand new claim with the Department for Work and Pensions (DWP), simply tell them, via the DWP portal (your journal), what the new amount will be. We will confirm the increase with them (via the landlord portal).


What if UC doesn’t cover the rent increase?

If your UC allowance doesn’t cover the additional rent, we recommend that you contact our Welfare Team on 01296 732600.


I don’t claim benefits, do I have to adjust my Direct Debit (DD) mandate with my bank or will this happen automatically?

Don’t worry your DD will be automatically changed by our team – you don’t have to do anything.


I pay my rent by standing order, do I have to change this with my bank?

If you pay by standing order, you will need to change your payment to reflect the new rent amount. Please call your bank to advise them of the new amount or change your standing order on your online banking.


If you have any further questions or want to talk to someone, please contact us on

01296 732600 or email contact@fairhive.co.uk.

Help & Advice


Our welfare team are here for you if times are tough, or you need some advice or support.

The Welfare Team can help you with lots of things, including:

  • Applying for benefits
  • Budgeting advice
  • Maximising your income
  • Accessing support and funding