We are a not for profit provider of social housing
We provide nearly 9,000 homes across Buckinghamshire, Oxfordshire and South Northamptonshire. We are a Community Benefit Society (CBS) and a not-for-profit landlord which means we invest our income back into our social purpose. We exist to support residents and neighbourhoods, maintain quality homes, build new ones, and ultimately create thriving communities where people want to live.
Our 20,000 residents are at the heart of everything we do, providing good neighbourhoods and safe homes for everyone to lead fulfilling and enjoyable lives. Our services are shaped around residents and community needs and their feedback, to enable social inclusion, reduce poverty, and protect more vulnerable residents through our Welfare Help & Advice. That’s why we involve our residents as much or as little as they want. We work in partnership with residents to scrutinise our services and they are involved in the decisions we make, ensuring that the collective resident voice is listened to.
We are proud to be a Together with Tenants (TwT) adopter, and as such we have agreed six commitments to shape the way we work and maintain our strong relationship with our residents. Visit our designated page to find out more about our TwT Charter.
We’re responsible for making sure residents’ homes are of a good quality and well-maintained. Part of this means ensuring our services are inclusive and accessible. We’re continually reviewing the way we do things, to provide excellent customer service and we’ve invested in new technologies and systems to make it easier to get in touch or report repairs, enabling us to look after residents’ homes and keep them compliant with Government standards.
We know that belonging to thriving communities and being proud of the area where you live is important to residents. That’s why we develop and manage neighbourhoods to bring together the people who live in them. We work closely with residents and partners to identify community needs, provide communal facilities and outdoor spaces, support community-led activities, introduce new opportunities and improve the safety of neighbourhoods. If you are interested in learning more about our events and activities or what it means to be a Resident Volunteer then take a look at our Resident Opportunities pages.
We believe that everyone deserves a place to call home. That’s why we’re committed to tackling the housing crisis through the development of new affordable homes, for both rent and homeownership. We’ve pledged to increase our supply of homes by 500 (from 8,500 to 9,000) by 2025. We have also committed to improve the environmental sustainability and the energy efficiency of your homes, new and old, for the mutual benefit of both the environment and our residents.
In April 2020 we launched two subsidiary companies to build and sell homes on the private market, Fairfax Design & Build and Fairfax Housing. These subsidiaries will help us to maximise our income to expand and meet our charitable objectives.
We have nearly 300 employees all working for the benefit of residents and communities, and we’ve adapted our approach so we can be more responsive to change. We’ve introduced agile ways of working and these measures are helping to reduce our carbon footprint. To find out more about our plans and goals, take a look at our 5 year Corporate Strategy.