Volunteering Code of Conduct

If you are a Resident Volunteer, please ensure you have signed the Code of Conduct using the electronic form. Alternatively you can print this page to sign and send us a copy.

1 Introduction

1.1 This Code of Conduct is a set of values, rules, standards, and principles outlining what the expectations are of members of the Residents’ Forum, Focus Groups and our Task and Finish Group. It’s been designed with residents to make sure everyone is treated fairly.

1.2 Residents who volunteer to become involved in other ways e.g. Block Inspector and Resident Inspector’s will have a separate code of conduct that more reflects the role they play in ensuring customers receive a great service.

1.3 This Code of Conduct draws upon the National Housing Federation’s (NHF) Code of Governance 2022 which Fairhive has adopted and the TPAS Code of Conduct Information Guide.

1.4 Fairhive is committed to maintaining the highest standards of conduct in all areas and have developed this code of conduct in consultation with the Residents Forum. All volunteers taking part in resident engagement meetings and events or representing the organisation are required to confirm they will follow this Code of Conduct.

1.5 We very much value the contribution that our Resident Volunteers make to ensure the services we provide to all of our customers meet their needs or if improvements are required we work in partnership to achieve the improvements required.

2 Purpose

2.1 The purpose of the Code of Conduct is to ensure that:

  • All members feel welcome and can contribute at meetings and events.
  • Meetings are held in an open and professional manner.
  • The highest standards of behaviour are always maintained.

3 Scope

3.1 This code of conduct covers all meetings of residents hosted by Fairhive including:

  • Residents’ Forum, Focus Groups, Task and Finish Group
  • Working groups, topic groups and other similar groups.
  • Conferences and events.

4 General

4.1 We ask everyone who attends our meetings to commit to the following code of conduct:

4.2.1 Be punctual at meetings. If you are unable to attend send apologies in advance of the meeting to the Chair and Community Engagement Team. If you are delayed and it is safe to do so, please send a message to the Community Engagement Team.

4.3 Allow each other the opportunity to contribute and respect the views and opinions of others while taking part in a meeting (online or face to face) and in written communication. Respect the agreed decisions of the majority at meetings.

4.4 Be sensitive to the needs of others (such as those not be used to speaking in unfamiliar/public settings or whose first language is not English), welcome new members and assist others to reach the best possible solution to issues discussed.

4.5 Allow only one person to speak at a time and not have separate discussions within the meeting.

4.6 Behave responsibly and with integrity. Never use your position to seek preferential treatment for yourself or relatives. Do not use your position to be treated favourably when requesting services from Fairhive or other organisations.

4.7 Do not raise matters that directly relate to your personal circumstances and only bring forward the views of other residents as a collective.

4.8 Behave in a respectful manner, respecting all members, staff, and any other visitors in meetings. Do not use offensive, disruptive, threatening, or abusive behaviour and language.

4.9 Operate within the aims and objectives laid down in the Terms of Reference. Urgent items for consideration under “Any Other Business” should be notified to the Chair before the meeting and will be discussed at the Chair’s discretion.

4.10 Present yourself in a professional manner, be impartial and refrain from being involved in making comments in a public environment which may damage the reputation of Fairhive, including social media (See Social Media Section of document).

4.11 Be considerate to others at meetings, for example, ensure your mobile is switched to “silent” during the meeting.

4.12 Aim to be positive and proactive, with a focus on what we can influence going forwards with past experiences used as learning.

4.13 Value diversity and not discriminate against any person on the grounds of age, disability, gender reassignment, marriage and civil partnership, pregnancy and maternity, race, religion and belief, sex or sexual orientation.

5. Conflicts of Interest


5.1 Should disclose any interest, whether personal or on behalf of any group they represent, that they consider may affect or influence their approach to the matter under discussion.

5.2 Must not expect to receive more or less favourable treatment by employees because they are a volunteer.

5.3 Must not abuse their position by accepting inducements or bribes or otherwise behaving dishonestly.

5.4 Must use the normal procedures for reporting repairs, complaints etc.

5.5 Political affiliation- attendees may be affiliated to / or are members of a political party but they may not represent a political party in their role as an attendee.

6. Confidentiality

6.1 Volunteers may deal with issues that are sensitive and must:

6.2 Exercise discretion and care in performing their duties and responsibilities.

6.4 Respect the confidentiality of all residents, staff and the organisation at all times.

6.5 Respect all individual residents’ confidentiality, whether present or not and refrain from mentioning specific individual cases which may cause embarrassment or identification of an individual.

6.6 By signing this Code of Conduct volunteers agree to abide by confidentiality principles in their volunteering with Fairhive.

7 Social Media

7.1 Take care to present yourself as a resident volunteer. Avoid statements, profile information or profile pictures that give the impression you are a Fairhive employee.

7.2 Consider yourself responsible for what you share or promote. If in any doubt, please discuss with the Community Engagement Team before posting.

8 Breach of Code of Conduct

8.1 If a volunteer does not abide by the Code of Conduct or breaches the guidelines set out in this document then the following action may be taken.

If the breach occurs within a meeting:

8.2 The Chair may issue a conduct warning and remind the volunteer of this code of conduct. If there is a persistent or significant breach of the code of conflict during a meeting, the Chair has the right to request that you leave the meeting immediately. If the unacceptable behaviour persisted at another meeting, the Chair can request a vote to exclude the member from the Forum.

If the breach occurs outside of a meeting

8.3 In consultation with the Chair and/or vice Chair, the matter will be considered by Fairhive staff who will decide on the appropriate action to be taken. Action could range from a verbal or written warning to expulsion, dependent on the severity of the breach.

Right of Appeal

8.4 If a volunteer wishes to appeal a code of conduct sanction they have the right to ask the Community Engagement Business Partner to arrange a special meeting to hear their appeal:

8.5 Appeals must be made to the Head of Customer Support within twenty eight (28) days of receipt of the sanction.  A special meeting must be held to hear the appeal within twenty one (21) days of receiving notification from the volunteer. 

8.6 Any volunteer appealing shall have the right to bring a third party and also, if they wish, to be represented by the third party.

8.7 The decision of the appeals panel shall be binding on both parties. 

9 Responsibilities of being a Resident Volunteer

9.1 Resident Volunteers should try to ensure that positive relationships are maintained within the group, the wider population of residents and with Fairhive employees and contractors. Where it is necessary to raise issues of staff, Board or contractor performance, these must be raised constructively and through the appropriate channels.

 9.2 Members should aim to achieve Value for Money (VfM) in all activities.

10 What behaviours can you expect in return?

10.1 Fairhive employees will act professionally, fairly and be courteous. We will support volunteers positively and proactively, respecting your views and listen to what you have to say. We will act constructively in building strong working relationships with volunteers. Fairhive employees will conduct themselves in accordance with the companies Code of Conduct.

 I confirm that I have read, understood and commit to the requirements of this Code of Conduct.


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