Part of our Asset Management Framework - Level 1 policy approval.
1. Statement of Intent
1.1. We recognise and accept our responsibilities as a duty holder to ensure the effective and safe management of Asbestos Containing Materials within our buildings and will ensure that adequate resources are allocated in order that we can comply with current legislation.
1.2. The effectiveness of this Policy and related Procedures impacts on a range of individuals and organisations including tenants, leaseholders, their families, our employees, contractors and third parties.
1.3. The requirements of this Policy will be incorporated into all of our activities but especially in construction, repair and maintenance projects and specifications.
1.4. We have committed to completing a rolling program of asbestos surveys throughout our property portfolio in order to ensure that appropriate information is available to those that may be affected. Survey information will include the location of Asbestos Containing Materials found in flats, houses, commercial units and offices and any future properties for which we have duty holder responsibilities. This information is held in the Asbestos Register and is supplied to anyone likely to disturb asbestos.
2. Core Policy Aims
2.1. In order to achieve the above, we will:
- Take all reasonable steps to establish the location, and prioritise works dependent on condition of Asbestos Containing Materials in our properties. This will include Management and/or Refurbishment and Demolition (R&D) Surveys as appropriate.
- Ensure through the management plans that the condition of all known Asbestos Containing Materials is regularly monitored and that records are updated in the light of that information.
- Arrange for the management, encapsulation or safe removal of Asbestos Containing Materials as appropriate.
- Ensure so far as reasonably practicable that workers, employees, contractors and other building users do not unintentionally work on or disturb any Asbestos Containing Materials.
- Ensure that work on Asbestos Containing Materials is carried out by licensed asbestos removal contractors under controlled conditions and in accordance with the requirements of the control of Asbestos Regulations 2012.
- Ensure the safe disposal of any Asbestos Containing Materials removed from our properties.
- Provide adequate information, advice and instructions to employees, contractors and other persons who may come into contact with Asbestos Containing Materials in the course of their work, on the locations and condition of Asbestos Containing Materials.
- Provide information to every person who is likely to disturb asbestos on the location and advice about the risk of Asbestos Containing Materials in relation to the property including communal arears.
- Arrange for labelling of Asbestos Containing Materials in non-domestic properties and/or communal areas where the risk assessment requires it.
- Develop suitable emergency procedures.
- Ensure that employees responding to tenant concerns about asbestos are aware of the risks and can arrange immediate investigation of any suspected contamination.
- Ensure that 24hr emergency procedures are in place with support from relevant departments in order to deal with accidental asbestos contamination.
- Ensure that all accidents and incidents of accidental asbestos release/disturbance are reported in line with Reporting of Injuries, Diseases and Dangerous Occurrences Regulations (RIDDOR).
3. Policy Implementation
3.1. All of our employees, within relevant property, housing, compliance or construction related roles, have a responsibility to:
- Take reasonable care for their own health and safety and that of other persons who may be adversely affected by asbestos works, including members of the public, tenants, visitors and contractors.
- Co-operate with us and our managers to enable compliance with this Policy and the legal duties it holds.
- Stop works that, in their opinion, may present a serious risk to health of themselves or others.
- Isolate and restrict access to areas confirmed or suspected to be contaminated with asbestos until the area has been declared suitable for normal occupation.
3.2. Further procedural information can be found within the Asbestos Management Procedure.
4. Performance Measures
4.1. The number of surveys undertaken will be monitored to achieve 100% asbestos information for all of our property assets (excluding garages). Garages may not be surveyed and will be presumed to contain asbestos and risk assessed accordingly.
4.2. The number of remedial and management actions flowing out of the asbestos surveys will be monitored to ensure that they have been completed within specified timescales dependent on risk.
4.3. Working practices will be audited by the Assistant Director of Health and Safety Compliance as required.
5. Monitoring and Review
5.1. The Assistant Director of Property is responsible for the day to day implementation
of this Policy. The Senior Contract Surveyor provides monthly information for the scorecard and the Assistant Director of Health and Safety Compliance will report regularly to ELT and HSSG on asbestos compliance.
5.2. We will review this Policy, a minimum of every three years, whenever there is an:
- incident or where there have been changes to legislation, taking into consideration
- good practice and any research which might impact on this Policy or service delivery.
6. Impacts
Resident/Staff Implications -
This policy has been reviewed by the Residents Forum.
Our Asbestos Procedure provides detail on training and how asbestos is to be handled should it be necessary to disturb any Asbestos Containing Materials.
Equality, Diversity & Inclusion -
We will ensure that this Policy is applied fairly and inclusively and in line with our Equality and Diversity Policy.
Value for Money -
The adoption of ‘good’ and, where feasible and financially viable, ‘best’ practice in the area of the control of asbestos is an important consideration to us to ensure that it provides efficient and cost effective procedures.
We will regularly review our costs associated with asbestos.
Data Protection -
All due care is taken to protect data held by us in line with or Data Protection Policy and data protection requirements.
Accountability -
Alongside the Asbestos Policy, we are obliged to have an Asbestos Management Procedure. This document details how we intend to update the asbestos records already held for our properties through a programme of regular inspections.
The Health & Safety Steering Group and Executive Leadership Team will be updated in relation to Asbestos Compliance Performance and the effectiveness of the Asbestos Management Plan on a quarterly basis. Asbestos Compliance Performance is also reported annually to the Board as part of our annual Health, Safety and Compliance report.
Quality -
We look to ensure that our residents are safe in their homes by supporting the provision of well-maintained homes which are in line with legislative and regulatory requirements.
When things go wrong -
Residents can communicate concerns through our formal channels.
7. Related legislation and other documents:
Health and Safety at Work Act 1974
Control of Asbestos Regulations 2012
HSG 210: Asbestos Essentials
HSG 264: The Survey Guide
HSG 277: A Comprehensive Guide to Managing Asbestos in Premises
HSG 248: The Analysts Guide
Fairhive Asbestos Management Procedure
Author | Holly-Anne Cole |
Job title | Health and Safety Compliance Manager |
Date approved | March 2024 |
Review due date | March 2027 |