
A successful year for our Thriving Communities Fund

Aylesbury Wombles group stand around the new electric Womble Waggon, funded by Fairhive.

Every year, we have the opportunity to give back to our residents and the wider community through our Thriving Communities Fund (TCF). This fund provides financial support for residents and also voluntary and community organisations that operate within the areas where our residents live. The TCF supports a wide variety of cultural, sporting and social activities, as well as equipping services for those most in need. This year we successfully awarded £250,000 of financial support!

We have three types of grant available, they are:

Springboard Grants of up to £300 to support Fairhive residents with opportunities for wellbeing, education, training or employment.

Micro Grantsfor community or voluntary groups of up to £3,000 for small projects such as the purchase of equipment or venue hire.

Project Grants for community or voluntary groups of up to £10,000 for larger initiatives such as the purchase of more substantial equipment or on-going running costs.

How Many Grants Were Awarded?

In this financial year, (April 2022 to March 2023), we have awarded a total of 130 Thriving Communities Grants.  94 of these being Springboard Grants for our residents (totalling £26,460) and 26 community grants worth £200,547!

The feedback has been great, community organisation Youth Concern added, “Grants from the Fairhive Thriving Communities Fund have helped fund Youth Concern’s two homelessness prevention projects, a Womble Wagon. A White van with signs on that read: Aylesbury Wombles Womble Wagon. Funded by Fairhive. nd the Next Step Project and Night stop Aylesbury.” – Hannah Asquith, CEO.

Local group, Aylesbury Wombles, also received grant funding for their electric van this year. They said, The process is very quick! The grant we received has made such a diff erence to our volunteers and a s a charity” 

When can you apply?

Springboard and Micro Grants are assessed every two months and Project Grants are assessed three times a year. Applications are welcomed from our residents, voluntary and community organisations. Full details of eligibility as well as application forms can be found on our website

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