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Celebrating Black History Month 2023

We’ve been celebrating Black History Month (BHM) among our teams internally and on our social media channels as an opportunity to learn and share more about inspirational accomplishments in black culture. The movement has been recognised in the UK for over 30 years as a dedicated time to celebrate the significant contributions of black individuals throughout history. This year, we're turning our focus to the campaign theme of, "Saluting Our Sisters."

Why is this BHM so important to what we do at Fairhive?

We provide and maintain quality homes working to support residents and neighbourhoods, and ultimately create thriving communities where people want to live. We are proud to be a local Social Housing Landlord with over 20,000 residents. To be able to provide our residents with a high standard of service, we believe in treating everyone fairly, and that extends to our employees, Board members, and stakeholders. We are committed to our equality, diversity, and inclusion priorities through our vision of working with diverse communities to create a better future.

On social media, through the rest of October, you'll notice colourful BHM posters around this theme and useful resources for further learning. We’ve also been raising awareness internally, through our employee intranet, and talking about what we do already to support diversity and inclusion in the workplace. There is still much to be done and we’re committed to doing the work to ensure our services are inclusive, accessible, and adapt to the requirements of our community.

We have supported the UK’s Black History Month pioneer group, a UK-based organisation that raises awareness year after year on the contributions of black people throughout history. More information can be found on their website.

We would love for you to get involved! Head over to our Facebook, X, and keep an eye on our Instagram Stories for the rest of October.

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