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Epilepsy Awareness Training with our Residents

A group of residents sat around a large table listening to a speaker.

We recently teamed up with the Epilepsy Society to organise a session for our residents aimed at raising awareness. We had such a positive response to our previous session on dementia awareness that we decided to look at other topics our residents are interested in learning more about to either help themselves or support people they know.

Residents sat at a table listening to speaker. The idea to run more of these awareness and training sessions was highlighted during our Residents’ Forum as a component of our commitment to Equality, Diversity, and Inclusion (EDI).

The training, open to both volunteers and residents, provided valuable information so attendees could better understand and support individuals living with epilepsy, while also shedding light on the challenges they face. Attendees found the session helpful, thanks to relatable examples and analogies that simplified the understanding of epilepsy. We’d like to say a big thank you to the Epilepsy Society team who joined us to provide expert knowledge and answer any questions on the day.

These informative sessions are well-attended by our residents and we plan to continue offering them throughout the year. If you have a particular topic you'd like to learn more about, please don't hesitate to suggest it by emailing the Community Engagement Team (

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