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Our first Cost of Living Roadshow in Aylesbury

Three members of the Fairhive team standing with one of our residents for a photograph.

On Tuesday 14th of November, we hosted our first Cost of Living Roadshow alongside Paradigm Housing and Buckinghamshire Council.

This event was in conjunction with our usual Community Hub at the Vineyard on Tuesday mornings, with a focus on supporting anyone looking for advice about managing winter-related expenses.

We welcomed a number of agencies including Helping Hands, BCC Family Information Service, Pocket Power, Better Housing Better Health, LEAP, DWP, Family Support, Connections Support, P3, Age UK, and Citizens Advice.

Sharon Thorman, our Welfare Services Manager, added: “This event was delivered to help those in need and support them in getting ready for the winter. The agencies provided comprehensive advice regarding fuel debt, energy advice, training courses, housing, we lfare benefits, and budgeting . Feedback was really positive with attendees completing questionnaires on the day.”

Pictured above is Lead Neighbourhood Manager, Heather, Sharon Thoman, Welfare Services Manager, alongside one of our involved residents and Community Engagement apprentice. 

Thanks to everyone who attended the Cost of Living Roadshow. We were pleased to see advisers helping to answer insightful questions, offering smart budgeting tips, and sign-posting visitors to local support and various community resources.

We look forward to running similar events in the future!

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