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Residents News is on its way!

Keep an eye out on your email inboxes or doorsteps for the December issue of Residents News!

This bumper edition is full of key updates and information including a message from Chief Executive, Matthew Applegate for the end of 2023. Here's a sneak peek of what else you can expect:

Important Reminders: This issue contains dates to note for when our services close over Christmas.

Sharing our progress with you: A breakdown of our Annual Report to Residents 2022-23 including figures on how many repairs we made and inquiries dealt with by our Contact Centre.

Resident Spotlights: Get to know the Resident Forum through an updated letter from our recently appointed Chair and Vice-Chair.

Christmas Competitions: Get involved with our drawing competition and puzzle time for the chance to win Love2Shop vouchers!

Keep an eye on your email inbox in the coming weeks for our digital link and help us save paper. We can't wait for you to delve into our next issue.

Remember, we can provide the magazine in accessible formats such as large print. If you have any special print requirements, contact Communications by email or phone 01296 732600.

Don't forget to share your thoughts and feedback with us. You can do so by getting in touch with our Communications Team.

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