Part of our Tenancy Management Framework - Level 2 policy approval
1.1. This policy outlines our approach to the keeping of pets by its residents where permissible. The policy should be read in conjunction with Fairhive’s Tenancy Agreement(s) and the ‘Pet Ownership Guidance for Fairhive Homes Limited. Residents’, which throughout this document will be referred to as ‘The Pet Guidance’.
1.2. We recognise the benefits that responsible pet ownership can bring. Generally we will allow residents to keep pets where the property type is suitable, the Tenancy Agreement is complied with and the pet’s welfare will be assured. This will be processed on a case by case basis.
1.3. The policy and ‘The Pet Guidance’ document outlines good practice in relation to responsible pet ownership and explain the controls in place to prevent irresponsible pet ownership, suffering to animals, nuisance to neighbours, the wider community and employees.
1.4. Our Shared Owners and Leaseholders should make reference to their leases with regards to any specific covenants relating to pet ownership and responsibilities.
1.5. We may take action against residents where there is a breach of tenancy such as residents allowing pets to cause nuisance or damage to the property.
1.6. The policy complies with and supports the five welfare needs promoted by the Royal Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (RSPCA) and embedded in the Animal Welfare Act 2006. This Act states that all pet owners should ensure their animals:
- have somewhere suitable to live.
- have a proper diet including fresh water.
- have the ability to express normal behaviour.
- are housed with or apart from, other animals.
- have protection from, and treatment of, illness or injury.
1.7. Employees will be trained to identify and challenge poor pet ownership and promote responsible pet ownership by referring residents to the policy and ‘The Pet Guidance’.
2. Applicants for Housing
2.1. Applicants for housing are asked, at tenancy sign up, if they intend to keep a pet and will be required to fill out a pet agreement form.
2.2. At this stage our employee should refer to “The Pet Guidance”
2.3. Applicants for furnished tenancies are allowed to keep pets, however, as with other tenancy agreements managed by us, they may be charged for wear and tear to furnishing, fixtures and fittings.
2.4. Ap plicants for independent living housing may be able to take their existing cat or dog with them but permission is currently scheme specific and will be granted on a case by case basis. Small caged animals are permitted.
2.5. There is a no pet policy at some of our properties currently at Cambourne Avenue, Gwendoline Buck Drive, Goldswain End (flatted blocks) and 4 Great Western Street.
2.6. Assistance dogs are not pets and are therefore excluded from the main provisions of this policy. By assistance dogs, we mean dogs that have been trained specifically to assist people with a disability.
3. Pets which cannot be kept
3.1. All domestic pets will be allowed as per the Tenancy Agreement unless:
- There has been a history of animal nuisance or neglect, including animal hoarding.
- The tenant or a member of their household has an unspent conviction in relation to animal neglect and/or abuse.
- We are currently taking legal action against the tenant for rent arrears/ASB.
3.2. We have taken the decision to allow residents to request permission to keep those breeds of dog prescribed under the Dangerous Dogs Act 1991, including “XL Bully’s” provided that all government guidance is followed and evidenced.
3.3. Should our employees have concerns or be made aware of concerns regarding the keeping of any dogs proscribed in the Dangerous Dogs Act 1991, we will follow government guidance and work closely with relevant enforcement agencies to ensure the safety of all employees and residents.
3.4. Non-domestic animals are not deemed suitable to keep in a residential property or garden. This includes, but is not limited to:
- Primates
- Ducks
- Cockerels
- Horses
- Wild animals including wild birds
- Farm animals (pigs, goats, cows, sheep etc.)
3.5. It is recommended that those residing in flats be allowed a maximum of two pets per household. Those residing in houses be allowed a maximum of four pets per household.
4. Tenancy Agreements
4.1. Our existing Tenancy Agreements provide information around pet permissions/ownership. The updated Pet Policy should be followed by all tenants and will set out our stance to reflect up to date changes to legislation and pet ownership.
4.2. We set out the basic rules regarding the keeping of animals in its Tenancy Agreement(s) and ‘The Pet Guidance’. Examples of these rules are:
- The resident must obtain permission before keeping any domestic pet. we will take into account the suitability of the property, the size of garden (if any) and the location. We do not expect you to apply permission to keep a small to medium sized fish tank (max 91 x 46 x 38cm) or small caged animal such as hamster or guinea pig, to a maximum of two cages.
- We may revoke permission if a nuisance is caused or it is considered that the number of animals is excessive for the size of the property.
- Pets must not cause nuisance to neighbours, employees and visitors this includes noise nuisance, fouling and animals which are allowed to stray.
4.3. Residents will not be given permission to create a pond.
5. Responsible Pet Ownership
5.1. We encourage residents to take sufficient time to consider the responsibilities and costs associated with having a pet before committing to one.
5.2. Pets must never be left unsupervised in any internal communal area. Pets (excluding cats) should also not be left unsupervised in any external communal areas, on pathways or our land.
5.3. Dogs must remain supervised on leads whilst in any internal or external communal area.
5.4. Any fouling should be removed immediately and the area cleaned. The grass may not be cut on our communal green areas if pet owners do not clean up after their animals.
6. Animal Related Nuisance
6.1. A range of behaviours can cause a nuisance to neighbours, our Employees and contractors. We may take legal action against residents where there is a breach of tenancy for animal related nuisance. This includes, but is not limited to:
- Roaming and unattended animals.
- Pets fouling in communal areas and others gardens which are not cleared immediately.
- Excessive noise, for a prolonged period, such as a, for example dog barking.
- Over population of animals within a household.
- Unpleasant odours from pets.
- Damage to property (internally and externally)
- Aggressive animals.
- Excessive flea infestation, which adversely affects others is not dealt with promptly and efficiently.
- Breeding or kennelling animals in a property, as a business will require prior permission as per the tenancy agreement which is not suitable due to either its size or location.
- Encouraging, training or allowing a dog or any other animal to fight.
- Using animals (such as dogs) to threaten others.
- Causing injury to others through biting and anything else deemed a nuisance.
7. Cruelty To Pets And Other Animals
7.1. We support the humane treatment of animals and will take swift and appropriate action, including contacting the RSPCA and Police, to prevent any further suffering. We expect that any residents who choose to have a pet will take responsibility for its care; this includes the expectation that none of the household will be cruel or neglectful towards their animals.
8. Pets Left In Empty Properties Or Otherwise Abandoned
8.1. All reasonable efforts will be made to trace the owner however if the owner cannot be traced or refuses to collect the animal the RSPCA will be contacted. Contact may also be made to Cats Protection or the Dog Trust to accommodate the animal.
9. Installation Of Cat Or Dog Flap In The Property
9.1. Permission will not be granted to install a cat or dog flap in any flat front door or communal door. If a cat or dog flap is fitted without our permission the resident will be recharged for the replacement and installation of the fire door.
9.2. Permission to install a cat or dog flap in our houses at the tenant’s own expense may be granted, following a request to the Neighbourhood Manager,/ Independent Living Scheme Coordinator. On leaving the property all residents must ‘make good’ to our satisfaction by replacing the panel or the door where a cat or dog flap has been fitted.
10. Micro-chipping
10.1. We require all tenants to microchip their dog(s) in line with The Microchipping of Dogs (England) Regulations 2015 –as of 10th June 2024 all cats must be microchipped by law (by the age of 20 weeks old). The database/s must have current details of the dog/cat owner, including name, address and contact number.
11. Monitoring
11.1. All permissions to keep a pet will be recorded on the relevant IT systems by our Neighbourhood Managers and Independent Living Scheme Coordinators. The Neighbourhood Team Leader and Independent Living Team Manager will ensure the correct procedures are followed in a timely manner and in line with this policy by regularly checking any workflows and during discussions, involving any complex cases.
11.2. Complaints relating to animal nuisance are recorded within our ASB data which is reported annually to the Board.
12. Period Of Review
12.1. This policy will be reviewed in line with the associated framework document in an agreed review programme currently every three years unless:
- There are significant changes to legislation or regulation;
- There are found to be deficiencies or failures in this policy, as a result of findings from audits, regulation or feedback from customer and stakeholders.
12.2. Complaints relating to animal nuisance are recorded within our ASB data which is reported annually to the Board.
13. Impacts
Resident/Staff Implications —
All relevant employees will be fully trained and be aware of all updates and changes to legislation and regulation.
Residents will be kept up to date with any changes made to this policy via the Resident Forum and a copy of this policy will be available on request.
Equality, Diversity & Inclusion —
This policy will conform to all Equality and Diversity legislation and requirements set out by the Group’s Equality and Diversity Policy.
Assistance dogs are not pets and are therefore excluded from the main provisions of this policy. By assistance dogs, we mean dogs that have been trained specifically to assist people with a disability.
Residents are still responsible for the behaviour of their assistance dogs and they are subject to the same rules and stipulations as a regular household pet.
Value for Money —
The Pet Policy and ‘The Pet Guidance’ provides advice and guidance to residents on how they can address a problem relating to either their pet or someone else’s. It is intended that this advice will reduce the number of cases relating to pet nuisance being reported to us and in turn the number of hours the Neighbourhood Managers/Independent Living Coordinators spend on resolving reports of animal nuisance.
Data Protection —
All due care is taken to protect data held by us and in particular, we ensure we keep all resident data secure and meet with our data protection requirements.
Accountability —
The Neighbourhood Team Leaders and the Independent Living Team Manager are responsible for the implementation and monitoring of this policy.
Day to day adherence to the policy and its enforcement will be through the Neighbourhood Services Team and Independent Living Team.
Quality —
We seek to ensure that our residents are safe in their homes by supporting the provision of well-maintained homes which are in line with legislative and regulatory requirements.
When things go wrong —
Residents can communicate concerns through our formal channels.
A decision made by us to allow a resident to keep or not keep a pet will always be confirmed in writing and placed on the property file. Where a resident wishes to appeal a decision they must follow our Appeals Procedure.
14. Related Documents
The Microchipping of Dogs (England) Regulations 2015
The Tenancy Agreement — Please refer to individual Tenancy Agreement
Author | Andrea Loomes |
Job title | Neighbourhood Team Leader |
Date approved | November 2024 |
Review due date | November 2027 |