Part of our Responsive Repairs and Voids Maintenance Framework Level 1 policy approval
1 . Purpose of the Policy
1.1 To outline Fairhive’s approach to providing an effective responsive repairs service including gas servicing, electrical testing and void maintenance service to its tenants.
1.2 To meet Fairhive’s agreed core values, objectives, service standards and Homes England Standards, all relevant legislation, Health and Safety Standards and National Housing Federation guidance.
1.3 The policy applies to works carried out on individual residential properties, communal areas of multiple occupancy dwellings and garages.
2 . Policy Statement
Fairhive Homes Limited (Fairhive) will keep those elements of its homes for which it is responsible for in good repair, whilst ensuring tenants fulfil their obligations regarding the maintenance of their homes, as set out in the Tenants Handbook.
3 . Aims of the Policy
We aim to:
• Deliver an efficient and effective responsive repairs service which offers a range of appointments to tenants
• Provide a full 24 hour, 365 day per year emergency repairs service;
• Engage effectively with residents about their homes;
• Maintain all properties up to agreed standards;
• Set a strategic, long term approach to maintaining decent, sustainable homes;
• Effectively deliver a high quality refurbished void property, creating a safe and secure home;
• Continuously improve performance and procurement methods to deliver a cost effective, high quality service.
4 . Range of Services
We are committed to delivering a range of services including, but not limited to:
• Day to Day Responsive Repairs
• Repairs to Void Properties
• Out of Hours Emergency Repairs
• Gas Safety, Repairs and Servicing
• Electrical testing
5 . Outline of Service
5.1 Reporting Repairs
Repairs can be reported in a number of ways including by phone, resident portal and other electronic means that meet the residents’ needs.
5.2 Repairs Priorities
Repair requests will be prioritised as an “Emergency Repair”, an “Essential Repair or a “Routine Repair.
5.3 Emergency Repairs
5.3.1 An emergency repair is a fault which threatens danger or risk to the health of the occupants or which could cause serious damage to the property.
5.3.2 We will operate a 24 hour emergency repairs service for certain works detailed in section 2 of Appendix A. All emergency calls will be attended to within 24 hrs of the repair being notified to us.
5.3.3 We will expect the tenant to remain at the property to allow us to gain access.
5.4 Out of Hours Emergency Repairs
5.4.1 Access for emergency repairs outside of normal working hours can be made by the freephone number.
5.4.2 If the appointment is to deal with an emergency repair, which is causing immediate damage to the property or where there is an immediate health and safety risk, and where access is not made available, it may be necessary to force access to the property. Depending upon the circumstances the cost of this may be passed on to the tenant.
5.5 Essential Repairs
5.5.1 An essential repair is a fault that, whilst not an emergency, requires completion to prevent further damage being caused to the property or on-going inconvenience to the resident.
5.5.2 Appointments will be offered for all internal repair needs.
5.5.3 For external and communal area work, the tenant can request an appointment.
5.5.4 In some circumstances it may be necessary to arrange a pre-inspection appointment to determine the scope of the works prior to the repairs appointment being made.
5.5.5 All essential repairs will be attended to within 10 working days of the repair being notified to us.
5.5.6 A schedule of repairs that are typically classed as ‘Essential’ is contained within Appendix B.
5.6 Routine Repairs
5.6.1 Routine repairs are faults that can be planned to be repaired and a longer timescale will not cause on-going damage to the property and which do not cause excessive inconvenience to the resident.
5.6.2 Appointments will be offered for all internal repair needs.
5.6.3 For external and communal area work, the tenant can request an appointment.
5.6.4 In some circumstances it may be necessary to arrange a pre-inspection appointment to determine the scope of the works prior to the repairs appointment being made.
5.6.5 All routine repairs will be attended to within 20 working days of the repair being notified to us.
5.6.6 A schedule of repairs that are typically classed as ‘Routine’ is contained within Appendix C.
5.7 Missed Appointments
Missed appointments cost us time and money and this cost is ultimately borne by all of our tenants. If a confirmed appointment is missed a card will be left informing the tenant that the job has been cancelled and they will need to contact us to re-book the appointment. Failure to keep repairs appointment may result in the tenant being recharged (as per the Recharge Policy).
5.8 Gas Safety Inspection and Servicing
In compliance with legislation we will operate a programme for safety inspections and servicing gas appliances and equipment in accordance with manufacturers’ instructions within the required 12-month period.
5.9 Electrical EICR Testing
In line with best practice, we will operate a programme for electrical testing based on a 5 year rolling programme. The migration from a 10 year programme to a 5 year programme is due to be complete by 2025.
5.10 Asbestos Management
Matters regarding asbestos are dealt with by our Asbestos Policy.
5.11 Garage Repairs
Garage repairs will be carried out in line with the repairs criteria within the appendices (Appendix A, B and C).
5.12 Vulnerable Tenants
We recognise that whilst we endeavours to provide a standard, high-quality service to all tenants there may be a need to provide additional support to residents in certain circumstances. Assessment of any additional need will be made based on individual specific circumstances during the initial contact. Typical examples of situations where additional support can be provided are:
• Mother with young / small child (for no heating)
• Impaired Vision (path and steps)
• Someone who has a full time Carer, irrespective of their age
• 65 years and over (for no heating)
5.13 Right to Repairs
We have adopted the tenants “Right to Repair” and in certain circumstances compensation may be claimed if we fail to complete qualifying repairs within the specified time periods as set out down by legislation.
5.14 Void Properties
We undertake to inspect all void properties and complete all minor works for re-letting in line with the Lettable Standard. Every void property will receive gas and electric checks (where applicable) and an Energy Performance Certificate (EPC).
5.15 Rechargeable Cost
As covered in our Recharge Policy, we will seek to recover costs incurred that have arisen from the actions of tenants or service users wherever it is entitled to do so. We will always consider individual circumstances as regards to vulnerability and sensitivity before processing such charges.
6 . Implementation
6.1 The Policy will be implemented through effective use of service standards, procedures and budgets and monitored using appropriate performance measures to ensure that cost, quality and performance measures are met.
6.2 Work will be undertaken by skilled, trained Operatives employed directly by us wherever possible. Contractors may be employed to supplement our resources. They are required to comply with all of our relevant policies and will be commissioned in accordance with the our Financial Regulations and Standing Orders.
7. Performance Measures
7.1 Services will be delivered with a view to minimising time between reporting, ordering and completing the repair.
7.2 We will monitor the following against performance targets which are set annually:
• Percentage of repairs, including gas and electrical, works completed within target time
• Percentage of jobs completed at first visit
• Percentage of appointments kept
• Number of carded jobs
• Customer satisfaction including complaint and compliment monitoring
• Total cost per property of responsive repairs and voids
• Time taken to re-let void properties and void rent loss
7.3 Key Performance Indicators (KPI’s) are regularly collected and the results notified to EMT, Board and the Residents Forum.
7.4 We will seek to continuously improve the repairs service through:
• Regular reviews of the repairs service standards and the repairs contracts
• Regular one to ones and annual appraisals for all staff
• The refinement of procedures and processes
• The continuous development and training of our front line staff
• Resident Focus groups and customer satisfaction feedback
• Recruitment and retention of skilled trades
• Adoption of suitable IT and digital working platforms
• Post inspections
8. Monitoring & Review
8.1 The Assistant Director of Property is responsible for the day to day implementation and monitoring of performance measures of the Policy.
8.2 This Policy will be reviewed within three years of the date of its approval.
9. Impacts
Resident/Staff Implications - Consultation has been carried out through the Residents Forum. Tenants will be involved in monitoring performance through the established tenant involvement groups.
Operatives and front line staff and their managers are actively encouraged and supported to acquire additional skills to increase their effectiveness and efficiency.
Equality, Diversity & Inclusion - All works will be carried out in accordance with our Equality and Diversity Policy. We will design the service policy, standard, procedures and delivery in accordance with the individual needs of different resident groups.
We will work with our communities to ensure equality of access and service outcomes, taking into account the diversity of local communities.
The needs of vulnerable tenants will be taken into consideration when prioritising repairs.
Value for Money - We have a responsibility to protect the value of our housing stock and to ensure that the promises and obligations made to our tenants, leaseholders and other users in respect of their homes are honoured.
The efficient management of resources continues to be one of our highest priorities. Hence there will be a continued focus on making more efficient and effective use of resources.
Procurement of repair work will be in accordance with our Financial Regulations.
We will seek to recover from the tenant the cost of repairs carried out which are the tenant’s responsibility in line with the Recharge Policy.
Data Protection - All due care is taken to protect data held by us and in particular, we ensure we keep all resident data secure and meet with data protection requirements.
Accountability - We will benchmark performance against similar organisations to monitor quality, performance and cost effectiveness and strive to deliver best practice services and highlighted areas of improvement.
Quality - We look to ensure that our residents are safe I their homes by supporting the prevision of well-maintained homes which are I line with legislative and regulatory requirements.
When things go wrong - We will make amends for persistent failure of the services, e.g. missed appointments. Compensation does not have to be of a financial nature, it can also be made by way of replacement, apology or a gesture of goodwill.
Compensation will be considered in accordance with our Compensation Policy.
1 0. Related Legislation and Other Documents
Community Strategy
Complaints Policy
Compensation Policy
Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Policy
Lettable Standard
Recharge Policy
Access and Customer Care Policy
Positively Engaging with our Residents
Data Protection Policy
Tenancy Agreement
Management of Health and Safety at Work Regulations 1999
Asbestos Policy
'Your Quick Guide to Home Repairs and Maintenance'
'Guide to Your Tenancy
Author | Andrew Rysdale |
Job Title | Assistant Director of Property |
Date approved | February 2024 |
Review due date | February 2027 |